Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Holiness vs Elitism
If we can't get on the right path here and leave Christianity in order to follow Jesus we are going to murder the Bride, and you do not want to be standing before God with the blood of His bride on your hands. Choose holiness not elitism
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What are we going to do about justice?
Friday, May 14, 2010
SEX: Sacred or Common, Special or Granted
Sex, and talking about sex, is always interesting isn't it? I mean something that "some" people do, "most" people think about is like whoa! when it comes to a forum on the topic. I called this blog sacred or common; special or granted because I believe that sex has become common, usual, and very much so taken for granted. Sex is just another one of those things you do almost. Wash my car, pick up the kids, go to work, jog for 30 minutes, have sex, and catch Jersey Shore. The magic of sex is sacred and special and no matter how many pron sites are bought and sold and videos and music videos and magazines and all sorts of media that destroy the beauty of sex, we can not deny that little voice in us saying (this is private).
Culture all over the world is varied when it comes to sex. It has always fascinated me that the cultures with the most technology and money treat sex so much differently than those who are more rural and basic in perspective. In fact those two positions of developed versus underdeveloped influence much of the norms that exist in cultures. SEX should be special. It should be sacred. It should be lifted as something that has value and meaning. From sex the world is replenished; new generations carry our names and our themes and learn from our mistakes. But sex is just desire, pleasure. When sex is just desire, and when we are led by only our desires we lead the world into a darkness. A darkness void of reason and a darkness void of morality. The senses can not impact the world, the clarity of a mind with right priorities willing to die can impact the world. Sex as just desire can never bring happiness, it will only in the most ubiquitous way add to your misery of finding yourself and your purpose in this life.
Finally look at the act: a male is placing his penis into the vagina of a woman. While this very simple action is performed more than that physical experience is felt, there is an entire spiritual experience of that deep connection that is taking place. Atheist or believer, you can not deny that truth. Sex is more than physical connection it is a meeting place for two souls who are willing to mesh into the other and speak in a language that words can't describe. Treat sex as a treasure not the morning newspaper that's just there every morning to pick up, read, and then throw away waiting for the next morning.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Humans must return to Humanity
Can you imagine a creature who was born w/o permission and will die w/o permission; a creature constantly inventing new ways to hide their stench; a creature who is decompossing everyday, getting weaker and weaker, THIS creature has the right to take another person's life or take another person's land? This creature? We cheat and steal and kill because this sin in us is cultivated in a sin sick world and the results is a human who thinks he's god's gift or worse, God himself. If we can't return to the functions that we were given when we were created we continue to throw off the entire balance of creation.
Some folks misunderstand the power of sin. If you think about it one sin kicks adam and eve out the garden and the paradise is never mentioned again. It is as if it disappeared. Desease enters the world, death enters the world. The second law of thermodynamics is manifested clearly b/c man, who was to know that he was no god, needed the God, and was just a human, FORGOT his humanity. Today, we eat the fruit of knowledge all the time... we sell it to each other... we send our children to school to learn it... we are a race of people depraved and blind and thinks that all that needs to be done to clear the mark of cain on our flesh is to do good works. If I do good things the bad things that I do also, or even think about will fade away. No! Humans are lowly, close to the ground, and the moment you forget that root heritage the more you become the actor. You will pretend you were good and help, or you will live out your nature and kill in the name of goodness.
We have to return to home, and drop the masks we made to hide our true identity; if not we are doomed to destroy one another until all the earth is empty again.
Monday, March 22, 2010
False Prophets? Brief!!

So how do we identify false prophecy? 1John4:1 tells us NOT to believe every spirit but to try the spirits to see if they are from God. How many of us do that? How do we try the spirits? John goes on to say any spirit that does not confess that Jesus has come in the flesh is not of God (1John4:3).
Well what does that mean? Well (Revelation 19:10) says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy. Ok. John the first chapter says that the Word became flesh and dwealt among us (John 1:14). So cool!! Jesus is the word made flesh and therefore His testimony will be the measuring stick for the prophesies that many speak out. Note: if it does not line up with what Jesus said it is therefore false. Example: There are people right now who are looking for revival and they are claiming that God is moving where they are. This causes the saved to be drawn to go to where "God is" in order to part take of God. Well, that sounds great doesn't it? Well, what does Jesus have to say about that? (Luke 17:23) says if someone tells you Jesus is here or if Jesus is there do not believe them. (Luke 17:20) says that the Kingdom does not come by observation, but that the Kingdom is IN you. Jesus is IN you. Know ye not that you are temple of Holy Spirit? The problem here is people are running all over this nation and world looking for God and they have no true concept of the inward dwelling of God in them. The prophets that draw them tell them that God is there and they go. NO! God is in you. But why would a believer go after a false prophet? Jesus says in Matthew 24:24 that these false prophets have the power to perform signs and wonders. So today when we see signs and wonders we say "God is moving" and we forsake the Kingdom in us, the Jesus in us and travel to get the Jesus and Kingdom somewhere else.
In short, true prophets operate under the spirit of prophecy and that spirit is lined up with what Jesus has said because Christ told us that He will not speak of himself but will glorify the Son. In many cases "where the Spirit is" there is no mention of Jesus, just a mention of gifts, signs, and wonders, and more spirit, but nothing of Christ. This contradicts. Read the testimony of Christ and gain for yourself the discernment to steer clear of false teachers.
The Conversion from Driver to Pedestrian

This was just a thought that ran through my mind as I was walking the streets of Boston. It seems to be a great disconnect between those who drive their cars and those who walk the streets and sidewalks. I have observed that when people are driving and there is someone who wants to cross they will drive at a rate of speed to prevent the crossing pedestrian. The logic is, "Oh this guy wants to cross, let me hurry and get by so he can cross." Sometimes the logic isn't even that giving. Sometimes it is simply not thinking about those who need to cross, but a tunnel vision on where the driver needs to go. I have even seen when folks were in the rain or the snow and they had to wait for a car to pass before they made it cross the street. The sad thing is even though the driver is sitting comfortably in a great seat and warm air blowing on them they disconnect from the those who do no have those advantages. Now there is still magic in putting on the shoes f someone else. One day that driver is going to have to park and get out of the car and they will be converted from driver to pedestrian. What I have seen is that once this conversion has happened the driver/pedestrian begins to take command of crossing the street and get angry for other cars doing to him what he did to others, and he may never get that connection. Why even talk about this? I think that there is a clear parallel of this in our daily lives. We can be so contradicting, I know I can. In one place I demand grace, and in another I demand justice. Integrity is my prayer. That I will not become bias on topics but that I remain true and honest and integral through out my days with all, friends and strangers. If not I will enjoy the pleasures of privilege and never be able to lift others to my level. We can't become drivers (blessed, successful, whatever) and forget that we were pedestrians, or that we have to be pedestrians at any time. Consistency and Integrity.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Finding the TRUE Human Soul

Being in love with something. Being willing to die for something. These two concepts are huge, and they are at the core of all humanity. We yearn for the hugeness of this life, which is why we sort of cling to Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings, and Narnia and Star Trek (I was a Trekie for a very long time LOL). We pay to see these types of fantastical stories because something in us connects to them, as if they were reality. As if the possibility of these stories being real is quite potential. The true human soul. Being an artist requires truth. Naked, offensive, God-given, unadulterated truth. If we can't tell the truth we are doomed to live disconnected from our own humanity.
The true human soul and returning to this place, this consciousness, this reality will allow us to live our lives in such a way that the modern world would have to throw us in jail, or burn us at the stake, or crucify us and destroy our legacy by recording us in history as terrorists. To be in love with the human race and to be willing to fight for a cause threatening the object of that love even to the death is NOT what sells tickets or boosts tv ratings. The system is counting on you to be so afraid of death that you will continue to live your life in a bubble separate from your fellow human beings. That you will buy more of the latest tech toy in order to verse you in the things that are not alive and look away from those who are alive. I mean I have a blackberry too, and I have an e-mail, but when my phone, or my flat screen, or my ipad, or anything else that doesn't take one breath takes the place of the joy and enjoyment from other living people we would have to admit that we are falling from our humanity.
I am guilty too. I am afraid. I constantly ask my God to give me a heart that genuinely loves and cares for others. Because my fears of being in a group is based on so many things. One of those is being afraid that I will lose my spot, that I have to be able to compete with those around me in some way in order to maintain my spot. But if we could find the vein of the true human soul we would love without fear, we would risk without fear because we would discover that THERE IS A PLACE FOR YOU. In this large human body, you are a member and needed for the forward movement of our race. How do we get there? A place where there is no war? A place where we don't compete for fame, but battle all the inner impulses that hide the human soul. I don't know. But I do know that we have a creator, and in Him there is the answer. From Him is the direction, and if I would become sensitive and listen I could hear the instructions that can lead me to the genesis of humanity, full of unconditional love and willing to give everything to protect the object of that love.