Being in love with something. Being willing to die for something. These two concepts are huge, and they are at the core of all humanity. We yearn for the hugeness of this life, which is why we sort of cling to Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings, and Narnia and Star Trek (I was a Trekie for a very long time LOL). We pay to see these types of fantastical stories because something in us connects to them, as if they were reality. As if the possibility of these stories being real is quite potential. The true human soul. Being an artist requires truth. Naked, offensive, God-given, unadulterated truth. If we can't tell the truth we are doomed to live disconnected from our own humanity.
The true human soul and returning to this place, this consciousness, this reality will allow us to live our lives in such a way that the modern world would have to throw us in jail, or burn us at the stake, or crucify us and destroy our legacy by recording us in history as terrorists. To be in love with the human race and to be willing to fight for a cause threatening the object of that love even to the death is NOT what sells tickets or boosts tv ratings. The system is counting on you to be so afraid of death that you will continue to live your life in a bubble separate from your fellow human beings. That you will buy more of the latest tech toy in order to verse you in the things that are not alive and look away from those who are alive. I mean I have a blackberry too, and I have an e-mail, but when my phone, or my flat screen, or my ipad, or anything else that doesn't take one breath takes the place of the joy and enjoyment from other living people we would have to admit that we are falling from our humanity.
I am guilty too. I am afraid. I constantly ask my God to give me a heart that genuinely loves and cares for others. Because my fears of being in a group is based on so many things. One of those is being afraid that I will lose my spot, that I have to be able to compete with those around me in some way in order to maintain my spot. But if we could find the vein of the true human soul we would love without fear, we would risk without fear because we would discover that THERE IS A PLACE FOR YOU. In this large human body, you are a member and needed for the forward movement of our race. How do we get there? A place where there is no war? A place where we don't compete for fame, but battle all the inner impulses that hide the human soul. I don't know. But I do know that we have a creator, and in Him there is the answer. From Him is the direction, and if I would become sensitive and listen I could hear the instructions that can lead me to the genesis of humanity, full of unconditional love and willing to give everything to protect the object of that love.
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