Monday, March 22, 2010

The Conversion from Driver to Pedestrian

This was just a thought that ran through my mind as I was walking the streets of Boston. It seems to be a great disconnect between those who drive their cars and those who walk the streets and sidewalks. I have observed that when people are driving and there is someone who wants to cross they will drive at a rate of speed to prevent the crossing pedestrian. The logic is, "Oh this guy wants to cross, let me hurry and get by so he can cross." Sometimes the logic isn't even that giving. Sometimes it is simply not thinking about those who need to cross, but a tunnel vision on where the driver needs to go. I have even seen when folks were in the rain or the snow and they had to wait for a car to pass before they made it cross the street. The sad thing is even though the driver is sitting comfortably in a great seat and warm air blowing on them they disconnect from the those who do no have those advantages. Now there is still magic in putting on the shoes f someone else. One day that driver is going to have to park and get out of the car and they will be converted from driver to pedestrian. What I have seen is that once this conversion has happened the driver/pedestrian begins to take command of crossing the street and get angry for other cars doing to him what he did to others, and he may never get that connection. Why even talk about this? I think that there is a clear parallel of this in our daily lives. We can be so contradicting, I know I can. In one place I demand grace, and in another I demand justice. Integrity is my prayer. That I will not become bias on topics but that I remain true and honest and integral through out my days with all, friends and strangers. If not I will enjoy the pleasures of privilege and never be able to lift others to my level. We can't become drivers (blessed, successful, whatever) and forget that we were pedestrians, or that we have to be pedestrians at any time. Consistency and Integrity.

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