Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What are we going to do about justice?

Now I have started a journey to educating myself, rather, detoxing the lies that were given to me as truth in the classroom in order to embrace true justice. I think on every journey for truth that thing about justice bursts into your house demanding a room b/c its going to be there a while. When I read about the injustices in this world, the evil that is covered up, forgotten, misinterpreted, not reported on, dressed up as great ideas, or simply weapons of revenge against those who wish to hurt us; that these injustices are good and protecting us my heart broke and I wept. I could go into so many issues and break them down but I try to keep a BLOG a BLOG and not a BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG. But I want to encourage you to seek truth and as you seek it you too will get that knock at the door from Justice. Don't tell her that you are "green" shopper or that you recycle, tell her that you are an activist. We need justice. We need people who are willing to give their lives to ensuring that justice. If we don't have those persons we will never see a movement happen. All we will see is "green"shoppers and in-shape consumers who recycle and read conspiracy theory(fact) books and authors; weak, puny, discouraged americans with huge heads filled with knowledge but no back bone. We are not looking at a casual injustice or a casual evil... we are staring at a fire breathing dragon who is hell bent on destroying you any way he can. So we have to approach this as soldiers and not as shoppers. Be the activist not the reader.

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