So how do we identify false prophecy? 1John4:1 tells us NOT to believe every spirit but to try the spirits to see if they are from God. How many of us do that? How do we try the spirits? John goes on to say any spirit that does not confess that Jesus has come in the flesh is not of God (1John4:3).
Well what does that mean? Well (Revelation 19:10) says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy. Ok. John the first chapter says that the Word became flesh and dwealt among us (John 1:14). So cool!! Jesus is the word made flesh and therefore His testimony will be the measuring stick for the prophesies that many speak out. Note: if it does not line up with what Jesus said it is therefore false. Example: There are people right now who are looking for revival and they are claiming that God is moving where they are. This causes the saved to be drawn to go to where "God is" in order to part take of God. Well, that sounds great doesn't it? Well, what does Jesus have to say about that? (Luke 17:23) says if someone tells you Jesus is here or if Jesus is there do not believe them. (Luke 17:20) says that the Kingdom does not come by observation, but that the Kingdom is IN you. Jesus is IN you. Know ye not that you are temple of Holy Spirit? The problem here is people are running all over this nation and world looking for God and they have no true concept of the inward dwelling of God in them. The prophets that draw them tell them that God is there and they go. NO! God is in you. But why would a believer go after a false prophet? Jesus says in Matthew 24:24 that these false prophets have the power to perform signs and wonders. So today when we see signs and wonders we say "God is moving" and we forsake the Kingdom in us, the Jesus in us and travel to get the Jesus and Kingdom somewhere else.
In short, true prophets operate under the spirit of prophecy and that spirit is lined up with what Jesus has said because Christ told us that He will not speak of himself but will glorify the Son. In many cases "where the Spirit is" there is no mention of Jesus, just a mention of gifts, signs, and wonders, and more spirit, but nothing of Christ. This contradicts. Read the testimony of Christ and gain for yourself the discernment to steer clear of false teachers.
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